Thursday, November 06, 2014

Same old song and dance

Our digest of, and commentary on today's Florida political news and punditry.

Same old song and dance

The same old song and dance:

Early returns Tuesday showed a comfortable lead for Charlie Crist, but it quickly disappeared and by 10:30 p.m. it was clear Scott had won a second term, albeit barely. And once again, Democratic turnout in South Florida lagged way behind the rest of the state.
"How Rick Scott won reelection as Florida governor."

See also "Republican Turnout, Wave Overwhelmed Charlie Crist" and "8 takeaways from Rick Scott's win over Charlie Crist" and "Interactive map: Poor voter turnout in mid-term elections."

The Miami Herald editors: "The election is over, the politics aren’t. Gov. Rick Scott retained the Governor’s Mansion in his slim victory against his Democratic opponent, Charlie Crist. We congratulate the governor, wish him well and hope that this time around, he makes party and ideology subordinate to the needs of all Floridians." "Back to the Governor’s Mansion."

"Charlie's Ode to His Fan"

Nancy Smith "Charlie's Ode to His Fan (a Love Story)."

Curbelo benefits from AB program

"Miami’s newest congressman benefited from absentee, Election Day votes."

New Florida Latino poll

"Latinos in Florida said the most important issue facing the Latino community that politicians should address is the economy — a slight difference from respondents in other states, who put immigration reform tops, according to a new poll."

Asked about the 2014 midterm elections, Latinos in Florida ranked the economy and jobs tops; of Florida respondents, 46 percent ranked it as one of the most important issues, and 39 percent said immigration reform was. Health care/Medicaid was third, at 19 percent, and education was right behind at 18 percent.
"New poll: Florida Latinos more focused on economy than immigration reform."

Rubio's "Big Decision"

"Marco Rubio Has a Big Decision to Make Soon on 2016."

Goin' local

"Tuesday’s election results will affect all of Florida, but also life for Miami-Dade residents." "Elections on the local front."

Winners and Losers

"Florida Election 2014 Winners and Losers."

"The proud party tradition of losing"

"Well, Charlie Crist is finally a true Florida Democrat. He earned his stripes by continuing the proud party tradition of losing." "In Scott vs. Crist, besieged voters had noses held."

Governor Buckhorn?

"Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn won't say he'll run for the state's top post in 2018, but he thinks a big-city mayor could win." "Buckhorn drops hints future could hold run for governor."

FlaGOP "Mega donors" dominate

"Mega donors from inside and outside Florida helped to fuel unprecedented amounts of cash into the election this year . . . In the era of mega donors, Republicans dominate. They raised more money in the 2014 election cycle, while the Democratic Party raised less cash but from more individual donors." "Stream of checks from big donors breaks records in Florida."

"Cash, GOP’s improved ground game gave Scott edge over Crist."

FlaGOPers couldn't buy some races

"Sachs, Rodriguez hold off strong Republican challengers."

Big win

"Central Florida members of Congress all get re-elected." See also "GOP scores big win in Central Florida legislative races."

Medical MJ "not snuffed out yet"

"Medical marijuana not snuffed out yet in Florida." See also "Florida marijuana backers plot strategy after loss."

Younger TeaBaggers

"Young GOP lawmakers bring new perspective."

Presiding Over Debacle

"Charlie Crist and Allison Tant presided over a disaster for Florida Democrats, even if Crist did come close to beating Rick Scott." "Charlie Crist, Allison Tant Preside Over Debacle for Democrats."