Monday, May 18, 2015

Our digest of, and commentary on today's Florida political news and punditry.

"Jeb’s fumbling start"

The Tampa Trib's Joe Henderson, like a lot of people "figured 'Jeb The Undeclared' was the man to beat for the GOP presidential nomination, even as we wait for the formal announcement that he is in the race. That’s despite the fact he is lagging in a lot of polls, and he isn’t paying homage to Iowa by participating in the state’s straw poll."


Jeb hasn’t had to campaign in more than a decade, and the rust is showing, as the Fox debacle showed. A few more goofs could put his undeclared campaign into a spiral that is unrecoverable.

Not long ago, it was hard to see anyone who could beat Bush for the nomination. Then he opened his mouth and silly words popped out. How quickly things turn.

"Jeb’s fumbling start could reshape GOP race."

So, "How serious is [Bush's] Iraq War flub?"

He's not what you would call "cognitively dexterous"

"Marco Rubio just doesn't seem like the most cognitively dexterous contender for the Republican nomination." "Florida Man."

"First it was Jeb Bush. [And then on Sunday], Marco Rubio seemed unprepared and uninformed for the question of the week on Iraq" "Marco Rubio is toast: Fox News trips up another Republican with simple Iraq war question."

"Marco Rubio Struggles With Question on Iraq War." See also "Rubio Stumbles Hard on Iraq War ‘Mistake’ Question on Fox," "Marco Rubio Struggles To Explain Whether He Thinks Invading Iraq Was A 'Mistake'" and "Marco Rubio Melts Down On Fox While Refusing To Admit Iraq Was A 'Mistake'."

"Rubio cashed out retirement funds"

"Sen. Marco Rubio cashed out most of his retirement savings while preparing to launch his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, records released Friday show." "Rubio cashed out retirement funds before presidential run."


Jeff Henderson: "Democrats Have Good Reason to Want Alan Grayson Out of Senate Race." Background from more Grayson-haters: "Alan Grayson erupts as Senate bid looms."

"Florida has no plan to deal with rising seas"

The Tampa Trib editors: "Florida is surrounded on three sides by water and has 1,800-miles of coastline. About 75 percent of its 20 million residents live in coastal counties."

So you would think the possibility of sea level rise would concern Florida leaders. But The Associated Press finds state government has no plan to deal with rising seas and has made no attempt to coordinate local efforts to deal with the possibility.
"Don’t ignore possibility of sea level rise."

"A friend and more"

"A complaint filed by the former recruiter for a for-profit college says the college had a friend and more in an employee of the schools’ regulatory commission." "The close ties between a for-profit college and its watchdog."

Jeb gets his Gay-hate on

"Jeb Bush Says Christian Business Owners Can Refuse To Serve Gay Weddings." See also "Jeb Bush Takes Tougher Stance Against Same-Sex Marriage."

Walmart runs wild

"A photograph of a rare butterfly on the South Miami-Dade development site in rare pine rockland helped ignite opposition to the controversial project." "Walmart developer demands county records linked to butterfly."