Saturday, May 23, 2015

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"Still think Rick Scott doesn't know what he's doing?"

Rick Scott cheerleader Nancy Smith claims victory; she writes: "Still think Rick Scott doesn't know what he's doing?"

The Scott team won a big one this week.
"Does anybody really believe that without the Scotties' lawsuit bluster, without the governor's health-care-commission showmanship and his trip to Washington and his ideological kinship with the House speaker, the Feds would be proposing $1 billion for LIP next year?"
No way. Clearly, they intended to kill LIP here and now. Months ago, and several times since, the Obama administration told the state the funding for hospitals to serve low-income people would end this year.
"LIP: Chalk One Up for the Scott Team."

Clinton cranks up Florida campaign

"Jean Monestime, who has already been fund-raising for Hillary Clinton, could represent a way for her presidential campaign to reach Haitian-American voters." "Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign woos Miami-Dade’s first Haitian-American commission chairman."

"Pawns to get votes"

The Tampa Trib thinks "using teachers and students as pawns to get votes. Think about that the next time you hear Tallahassee lawmakers arguing to divert increasing amounts of money away from public schools and into for-profit charter schools." "State had no choice but to concede defeat on school testing."

"Workers laid off during the recession haven’t made up lost ground"

"Unemployment has ticked up slightly in Miami-Dade County, but it’s still at nearly its lowest level since 2008. Even so, some workers laid off during the recession haven’t made up lost ground." "Some South Florida workers still feel left out of recovery."

"Floridians deserve far more"

The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Floridians deserve far more from their representatives in Tallahassee. A short lifeline from Washington doesn't relieve lawmakers of their responsibility to come up with a long-term solution to the chronic problem of providing care to nearly a million Floridians who don't have health insurance." "Fla. needs long-term health cure."

Background: "Understanding LIP funding and Florida’s budget crisis."

More: "Feds suggest possible hospital funding to end Florida’s budget standoff." See also "Temporary aid on health care."

Grayson on a verbal tear

"In the past three weeks, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando has been on a verbal tear." "Grayson's fiery comments put possible Senate campaign in spotlight."

Deep thinker

Deep thinker, and hawkish chickenhawk (who courageously "considered conscientious objector status" to avoid the Vietnam war (which ended before he became eligible for the draft)), Jebbie Bush, has now "blamed the Democratic president for allowing the rise of the violent extremist group that has captured vast parts of Iraq and Syria." "Jeb Bush blames unrest in Iraq on Obama."

A mere shift, or a full-on flop?

"Politifact Florida: Marco Rubio’s statements on Iraq have shifted but not flipped."

That's our Jeb

"A video production company had no idea its bilingual 2013 Toyota Corolla spot used the former Florida governor’s residence as a backdrop — until Jeb Bush drove up to the house." "That time Jeb Bush’s Coral Gables home made a cameo appearance in a Toyota commercial."