Monday, October 07, 2013

Our digest of, and commentary on today's Florida political news and punditry follows.

Scott's mea culpa on the voter purge

Rick Scott attempts to preempt what is sure to be a significant issue in his re-election effort. The Miami Herald reports that "In a rare display of contrition coming to a Florida city near you, Gov. Rick Scott’s administration is acknowledging what civil rights groups and local elections officials had already been saying: Last year’s attempted purge of noncitizens from voter rolls was fundamentally flawed."

"'I accept responsibility for the effort,” Scott’s secretary of state, Ken Detzner, told the Herald/Times. “It could have been better. It should have been better.'"
Detzner, who serves as Scott’s top elections official, is repeating the mea culpa during a five-day road tour that concludes this week in Orlando, Sarasota and Fort Lauderdale. The apology is part of a sales pitch to the public and supervisors of elections that a second attempt to remove noncitizens from voter rolls, “Project Integrity”, will be better.
"Gov. Rick Scott delivers mea culpa on voter purge". See also "" and "".

Derby thinks . . .

Kevin Derby thinks "2016 Hopefuls Should Keep Kansas-Nebraska Act in Mind as Shutdown Continues".

The Usual "Blasting", "Bashing and Blaming"

"With little more than a year left before Gov. Rick Scott faces voters to ask for re-election, Republicans say they're confident he can win what polls show to be an uphill battle -- as long as he gets his message out." "GOP Looks to Get Out Rick Scott's Message".

Oh yeah, here's the FlaGOP usual nuanced "message": "Fla. Republicans blast Democrats, ex-Gov. Crist" and, for good measure, "Gov. Scott’s mantra: bash and blame Obama".

Obamacare computer glitches a political gaffe

Marc Caputo: "Obamacare has a new antagonist: The Obamacare sign-up website." "Obamacare computer glitches resemble political gaffe".

"Remember the state shutdown?"

Bill Cotterell: "The federal government shutdown evokes memories of a bitter bit of budget brinksmanship in Florida’s Capitol."

State employees did themselves proud in the summer of 1992, when state government shut down and nobody noticed. In a way, the state slept through it, except for Gov. Lawton Chiles and legislative leaders, who worked through June 30 and into the first hours of the new fiscal year, when the state’s checkbook legally went “Poof” like Cinderella’s pumpkin coach.
"Remember the state shutdown? Well, maybe not".

"Racial violence in Florida"

"Racial violence in Florida".

Still waitin'

Nancy Smith: "Coy Koontz Jr. and his wife Linda, retired now and living quietly in the North Carolina mountains, are still not finished with perhaps the most monumental property-rights case ever filed in Florida -- even though they won in the U.S. Supreme Court." "Heroes of Private-Property Rights Still Mopping Up in Landmark Florida Case".

Number 10 on the lobbyists list

"With a heavy presence in both Tallahassee and South Florida, and a newly opened office in Tampa, Floridian Partners LLC ranks No. 10 on Sunshine State News’ top lobbyists list in the Sunshine State." "Floridian Partners Helping Turn Legislative Wheels in Tallahassee".